How Does Color Wheel Expert Work

Based on the color wheel and color harmony theory, Color Wheel Expert enables you to select a color, and then have 12 harmonious colors displayed on a color wheel.

color wheel and color harmony - create harmonious color scheme Color Wheel

Color wheel is a way to arrange colors, making it easier to select a palette that works.

A color wheel usually includes 12 distinct and harmonious colors and each color has a relationship to each other.

Color Wheel Expert supports both RGB(Red-Green-Blue) color wheel and RYB(Red-Yellow-Blue) color wheel.

With Color Wheel Expert, it's easy to find analogous colors, complementary colors, split complementary colors and triad Colors. With the flexible color palette and color wheel, you can easily create harmonious color schemes, to use in your Web site or your working object. After you find a color scheme you like, you can easily save it for future use. Color Wheel Expert enables you to make color selections for your Web layouts, including colors for Web links, page layout, HTML tables, background/text, and shapes.

color scheme of Web page layout - created by color wheel expert Web Page Layout

Now, with Color Wheel Expert, you can easily create your own Web color scheme -- and your pages will look better than ever before.

With Color Wheel Expert, creating color palettes is a breeze. You can use of the screen color picker, the Windows color dialog, or you can simply input your own decimal or hexadecimal values and use sliders to modify color values. Color Wheel Expert makes it easy to select colors from a 216-color Web safe palette, and slider adjustments help users fine-tune the color selection. You can also pick colors from anywhere on the screen and make colors Web safe. 

Creating your own color palettes is a breeze! Create your own color palette

You can create a custom color palette to save your working colors. You can also use one of several useful predefined color palettes, such as a 216-color Web safe palette. You can easily add a color to your custom palette, delete a color, or clear duplicate colors.

screen color picker, html color picker - color wheel color value converter, convert with rgb, cmy, cmyk and YCbCr - color wheel
Screen color picker - Pick color from anywhere on screen Slider adjustments help users fine-tune the color selection.

Color Wheel Expert also enables you to convert color values with RGB, HSL, CMY, CMYK and YCbCr using sliders. The RGB Sliders can be locked so they move synchronously to quickly generate a range of tints or shades of the working color. The program supports color code in RGB and HEX, and you can easily copy the color code to the clipboard.

The handy and intuitive interface makes Color Wheel Expert the perfect tool for both new and experienced users.

Color Wheel Expert runs on Windows 8, 7, Vista, Windows XP, Windows NT/2000, and Windows 95/98/ME. A single-user license is only $19.95 USD.

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